Legal Advice


Portal owner: Bovinevet Internacional Bovine Ultrasound Services & Herd Management

Adress: Calle Mecánica, 9 – 22006 Huesca (Huesca)


C.I.F.: ESB22425003

Registration data: (Tomo, folio, hoja)

All rights reserved.

This website is offered to you on the condition that you fully accept the terms, conditions and communications contained in this legal notice. The fact that you use this website constitutes your acceptance of the same.


You are not authorized to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, disclose, use, reproduce, publish, license, assign, sell or create derivative works from the information, software, products or services that you may obtain from this site. Web. The use of this website for illegal purposes or not authorized by these terms, conditions and communications is strictly prohibited.

No responsibility is assumed for the use that minors may make of it in cases where the content accessed may hurt their sensitivity. Full responsibility in determining the content and services accessed by minors corresponds to the adults in whose charge they are. There are mechanisms, in particular filtering and blocking computer programs, that make it possible to limit the content available, being especially useful for controlling and restricting the materials that minors can access.


Este portal pone a disposición de los Usuarios dispositivos técnicos de enlace, directorios y otras herramientas como buscadores, que les permite acceder a sitios web pertenecientes y/o gestionados por terceros. La instalación de los mismos tiene por único objeto facilitar a los Usuarios el acceso a información, contenidos y servicios disponibles en Internet.

Bovinevet Internacional no asume responsabilidad alguna por la información contenida en las páginas web de terceros a las que se pueda acceder por enlaces o buscadores desde nuestras páginas. Sin embargo, se compromete a retirar enlaces en caso de tener conocimiento de la existencia de contenidos ilícitos o que lesionen derechos de terceros.

Se excluye cualquier responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios de toda naturaleza que puedan deberse a la presencia de virus o a la presencia de otros elementos lesivos en los servicios prestados por terceros a través del portal que puedan producir alteraciones en el sistema informático, documentos electrónicos o ficheros de los usuarios.

La información, el software y/o los productos o servicios contenidos en este sitio Web pueden contener errores tipográficos, imprecisiones e inexactitudes de los que Bovinevet Internacional no se responsabiliza, tampoco lo hará en el caso de que los mismos provengan de páginas de terceros a las que el Usuario accede a través de los enlaces colocados en nuestro portal.

The user agrees to use the portal and the services in accordance with the law, this legal notice, the particular conditions of certain services, as well as morality, generally accepted good customs and public order.


This portal makes technical link devices, directories and other tools such as search engines available to Users, which allows them to access websites owned and / or managed by third parties. The sole purpose of installing them is to provide Users with access to information, content and services available on the Internet.

Bovinevet Internacional does not assume any responsibility for the information contained in the web pages of third parties that can be accessed by links or search engines from our pages. However, it undertakes to remove links in case of having knowledge of the existence of illegal content or that infringe the rights of third parties.

Any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the presence of viruses or the presence of other harmful elements in the services provided by third parties through the portal that may cause alterations in the computer system, electronic documents or files is excluded. of the users.

The information, software and / or products or services contained in this website may contain typographical errors, inaccuracies and inaccuracies for which Bovinevet Internacional is not responsible, nor will it do so in the event that they come from third-party pages to those that the User accesses through the links placed on our portal.